Individual and Ecological Factors Associated with Intentional Drug Overdose

What is this project?

The overarching aim of this research was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the demographic, clinical and drug-related factors associated with IDO. Ultimately this research will inform legislation and recommendations for means restriction interventions related to suicidal behaviour.

This study aligns with Goal 6 of Connecting for Life, Irelands National Strategy to Reduce Suicide in Ireland 2015-2020: To reduce and restrict access to means of suicidal behaviour, by informing goals 6.1: To reduce access to frequently used drugs in Intentional Drug Overdose (IDO) and 6.2: To reduce access to highly lethal methods used in suicidal behaviour.

Project Aims

  • To examine the profile of persons engaging in IDO, detail drugs used and to quantify the contributions of alcohol involvement and multiple drug use.
  • To describe the characteristics of fatal and non-fatal IDO, and to establish which drug types are linked with greater risk of a fatal outcome.
  • To describe the characteristics, incidence, and temporal trends in paracetamol-related IDO among young people.
  • To investigate repeat self-harm and method switching among young people, following hospital-presenting IDO.

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