Multisite Implementation and Evaluation of 12-Month Standard Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in a Public Community Setting. Flynn D, Kells M, Joyce M, Corcoran P, Hurley J, Gillespie C, Suarez C, Swales M, Arensman E. Journal of Personailty Disorders 7-17

Preventing Suicide – What Precedes Us Will Propel Us. Daly C, Morch C. Kirtley O. Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention (2018) 39: 409-415

Patterns of self-harm methods over time and the association with methods used at repeat episodes of non-fatal self-harm and suicide: A systematic review. Witt K, Daly C, Arensman E, Pirkis J, Lubman D. Journal of Affective Disorders (2018) 245: 250-264

Comorbidity of Physical and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescent: Functional Impairment, Self-Rated Health and Subjective Well-Being. Balázs J, Miklósi M, Keresztény A, Hoven CW, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Apter A, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn JP, Postuvan V, Kaess M, Varnik A, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. Int J Environ Res Public Health. (2018) Aug 9;15(8)

Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents. Gambadauro, P., Carli, V., Wasserman, C., Hadlaczky, G., Sarchiapone, M., Apter, A., Balazs, J., Bobes, J., Brunner, Cosman, D., Haring, C., Hoven, CW., Iosue, M., Kaess, M., Kahn, JP., McMahon, E., Postuvan, V., Värnik, A. and Wasserman, D. Plos One 13 (2)

Involving young people in cyberbullying research: The implementation and evaluation of a rights-based approach. Dennehy R, Cronin M, Arensman E. Health Expectations (2018) 1-11

Borderline personality disorder: resource utilisation costs in Ireland. Bourke J, Murphy A, Flynn D, Kells M, Joyce M, Hurley J. International Journal of Social Psychiatry Vol 64, Issue 6, 2018

Media reporting of suicide and adherence to media guidelines. McTernan N, Spillane A, Cully G, Cusack E, O’Reilly T, Arensman E. International Journal of Social Psychiatry (2018)

Treatment as usual (TAU) as a control condition in trials of cognitive behavioural-based psychotherapy for self-harm: Impact of content and quality on outcomes in a systematic review. Witt K, Pache de Moraes D, Taylor Salisbury T, Arensman E, Gunnell D, Hazell P, Townsend E, van Heeringen K, Hawton K. Journal of Affective Disorders (2018) 235:434-447

Increasing rates of self-harm among children, adolescents and young adults: a 10-year national registry study 2007-2016. Griffin E, McMahon E, McNicholas F, Corcoran P, Perry IJ, Arensman E (2018) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2018) 53: 663-671

Acute hospital reconfiguration and self-harm presentations: a before-and-after study. Griffin E, Murphy C, Perry IJ, Lynch B, Arensman E,  Corcoran P (2018) Irish Journal of Medical Science

Self-harm among the homeless population in Ireland: A national registry based study of incidence and associated factors. Barrett P, Griffin E, Corcoran P, O’Mahony MT , Arensman E (2018) Journal of Affective Disorders 229: 523 -531

What are the physical and psychological health effects of suicide bereavement on family members? An observational and interview mixed-methods study in Ireland. Spillane A, Larkin C, Corcoran P, Matvienko-Sikar K, Arensman E. BMJ Open (2018); 8:1

Dialectical behaviour therapy for treating adults and adolescents with emotional and behavioural dysregulation: study protocol of a coordinated implementation in a publicly funded health service. Flynn, D, Kells, M, Joyce, M. et al. BMC Psychiatry (2018) 18:51.

Frequently used drug types and alcohol involvement in intentional drug overdoses in Ireland: a national registry study.  Daly C, Griffin E, Ashcroft DM, Webb RT, Perry IJ, Arensman E European Journal of Public Health (2018), cky031

The iceberg model of self-harm: new evidence and insights. Arensman E, Corcoran P, McMahon E. Lancet Psychiatry. (2018) Feb;5(2):100-101

Innovations in Practice: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy – Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A): Evaluation of a Pilot Implementation in Irish Post-primary Schools. Flynn D, Joyce, M., Weihrauch, M, & Corcoran PChild and Adolescent Mental Health.

Recommended next care following hospital treated self-harm: Patterns and trends overtime. Arensman E, Griffin E, Daly C, Corcoran P, Cassidy E, Perry IJ (2018) PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193587

Psychopathology is associated with reproductive health risk in European adolescents. Gambadauro P, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Haring C, Hoven CW, Iosue M, Kaess M, Kahn JP, McMahon E, Postuvan V, Värnik A, Wasserman D. Reprod Health. (2018) Nov 6;15(1):186

Associations between physical behaviour patterns and levels of depressive symptoms, anxiety and well-being in middle-aged adults: a cross-sectional study using isotemporal substitution models. Dillon CB, McMahon E, O’Regan G, Perry IJ. BMJ OPEN (2018) 8:e018978

A cost‑effectiveness analysis of school‑based suicide prevention programmes. Ahern, S, Burke, LA., McElroy, B. et al. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018).