When was the NSRF established?
The National Suicide Research Foundation was established in 1994 by Dr. Michael Kelleher, at the request of the then Minister for Health, Brendan Howlin TD. The brief was to conduct research into suicide and suicidal behaviour due to concerns regarding the accuracy of Irish suicide statistics and lack of knowledge of the extent of suicidal behaviour in the country.
Who is the NSRF funded by?
The NSRF is funded primarily by the Health Service Executive’s National Office for Suicide Prevention. Current and ongoing NSRF research projects and collaborations are in receipt of funding from various organisations and funding bodies including the Health Research Board, EU Horizon 2020, the World Health Organisation and the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland.
Where can I find information regarding cases of suicide in Northern Ireland?
Please visit: NISRA
Where can I get a breakdown of information regarding suicides in Ireland?
Please visit: The Central Statistics Office
I need help. What will I do?
Please visit the Finding Help section of our website.
If it is an emergency, please go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department or phone 999 or 112.