Structure, Governance and Management of the National Suicide Research Foundation

The National Suicide Research Foundation is constituted as a company limited by guarantee (Company Number 224676) as set out under the Companies Act 2014. Its purpose and objects and how it conducts its business are set out in its Constitution which is posted on its website under the About Us section and is publicly available from the Companies Registration Office and also the Charities Regulatory Authority. The Registered Charity Number is 20030889 and the Charity Tax Number is CHY11351.

The National Suicide Research Foundation was initially established in 1994 as the Suicide Research Foundation Limited. Permission was subsequently granted, in 1997, by the Companies Registration Office to dispense with the word Limited in the title of the company and in 2001, the Registrar of Business Names granted permission to use the name of National Suicide Research Foundation.

Please find links below to further information about the Structure and Governance of the NSRF.

Board of Directors


Organisational structure

Principles of Good Governance

Financial Statements 2023

Financial Statements 2022

Financial Statements 2021

Financial Statements 2020

Financial Statements 2019

Financial Statements 2018

Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025