What is the HRB ARPP – Youth self-harm and suicide – Predictors of onset, escalation and premature mortality study?
This study investigates the iceberg model of self-harm and suicide in children, adolescents and young adults. This research programme employs multiple methods to examine predictors of onset and escalation of self-harm and premature mortality.
Dr Elaine McMahon is funded to carry out this research as part of the Health Research Board Applying Research into Policy and Practice programme (2019-2024).
Project Aims
- To examine three key stages of the self-harm process
- To examine onset of self-harm among adolescents in the community
- To identify key features and risk factors for high-risk hospital-treated self-harm
- To quantify long-term risk of suicide following self-harm in young people.
Personnel Involved
Dr Elaine McMahon
Recent Publications
- Risk and protective factors for psychotic experiences in adolescence: a population-based study. McMahon, E. M., P. Corcoran, H. Keeley, M. Clarke, H. Coughlan, D. Wasserman, C. W. Hoven, V. Carli, M. Sarchiapone, C. Healy & M. Cannon (2020) . Psychol Med, 1-9.
- Adolescent mental health: Global data informing opportunities for prevention. Griffin, E. & E. McMahon (2020). EClinicalMedicine, 24, 100413.
- Paracetamol-related intentional drug overdose among young people: a national registry study of characteristics, incidence and trends, 2007-2018. Daly, C., E. Griffin, E. McMahon, P. Corcoran, R. T. Webb, D. M. Ashcroft & E. Arensman (2020a). Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.
- Repeat Self-Harm Following Hospital-Presenting Intentional Drug Overdose among Young People-A National Registry Study. Daly, C., E. Griffin, E. McMahon, P. Corcoran, R. T. Webb, K. Witt, D. M. Ashcroft & E. Arensman (2020b). Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17.
- Life Events Predicting the First Onset of Adolescent Direct Self-Injurious Behavior-A Prospective Multicenter Study. Kaess, M., L. Eppelmann, R. Brunner, P. Parzer, F. Resch, V. Carli, C. Wasserman, M. Sarchiapone, C. W. Hoven, A. Apter, J. Balazs, S. Barzilay, J. Bobes, D. Cosman, L. O. Horvath, J. P. Kahn, H. Keeley, E. McMahon, T. Podlogar, V. Postuvan, P. A. Saiz, A. Tubiana, A. Varnik & D. Wasserman (2020). J Adolesc Health, 66, 195-201.
- Influence of coping strategies on the efficacy of YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health): a universal school-based suicide preventive program.Kahn, J. P., R. F. Cohen, A. Tubiana, K. Legrand, C. Wasserman, V. Carli, A. Apter, J. Balazs, R. Banzer, F. Baralla, S. Barzilai, J. Bobes, R. Brunner, P. Corcoran, D. Cosman, F. Guillemin, C. Haring, M. Kaess, U. M. Bitenc, G. Mészàros, E. McMahon, V. Postuvan, P. Saiz, A. Varnik, P. Varnik, M. Sarchiapone, C. W. Hoven & D. Wasserman (2020). Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 29, 1671-1681.