PROSPERH: Promoting positive mental and physical health in changing work environments

We are very excited to be involved in PROSPERH, an innovative project which aims to improve physical and mental health in workplaces.
Ireland is one of 16 countries participating in the project, which is funded by the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 – 2028.
Why is a project like PROSPERH needed?
In recent years there have been rapid changes in how we work. A recent Flash Eurobarometer survey found 46% of workers reported being under severe time pressure and work overload, 27% reported work-related stress, depression and anxiety and 30% reported bone, joint, muscle problems or pain caused, or made worse, by work.
Workplaces as a health-promoting environment
PROSPERH will support workplaces to prevent, or better manage, work-related physical and mental health conditions and prepare them for current and future changes to work environments.

To learn more
Watch our video to learn more about the work we are doing, visit the PROSPERH page on our website and the PROSPERH website to keep updated.