Author: Fenella Ryan

On this first, bright and sunny * day of March, we decided to reflect on some achievements since the beginning of the year.

*in Cork at least!

Journal articles

NSRF researchers have been involved in three peer-reviewed journal articles published since January:


Prof Ella Arensman presented on ‘Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic’ at the first UCC School of Public Health Seminar of 2022: Presentations – National Suicide Research Foundation (

Niall McTernan presented at a HSE Community Healthcare West Workshop on ‘Safe & Sensitive Reporting of Suicide & Promoting Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing on February 1st.

National Suicide Bereavement Survey

This survey, which launched on October 5th 2021, closed for responses in early February 2022. The team are now analysing data and will have initial findings in the next few months.


A very successful SAMAGH training day took place in Cork on February 27th. The next training will take place in Dublin in April. Our SAMAGH Training Leaflet may be useful to those working in the area of mental health who are interested in improving supports for individuals who self-harm: Leaflet_SAMAGH-Training_-26-01-2022.pdf (  

Policy Submission

The NSRF submitted a briefing to the Department of Justice, Review of Alcohol Licensing consultation on January 21st.

Next up

Our researchers continue to work on a wide number of research projects. Keep an eye on our Twitter and our Publications and Outputs for news and updates.

NSRF News Round-Up; January – March 2022