Author: Fenella Ryan

We have been reflecting on some recent highlights for our latest news round-up!

Journal articles

NSRF researchers have been involved in five peer-reviewed journal articles published since March:


Our report on the Mental Health of Veterinary Professionals in collaboration with The Veterinary Council of Ireland and The National Office for Suicide Prevention was published in April.


Prof Arensman presented a Keynote Lecture at the 10th International Association for Suicide Prevention Asia Pacific Conference in Queensland May 3rd – 5th.

Irish Examiner article

An article published in the Irish Examiner on May 5th Concerns about suicide rates among Travellers due to self-harm presentations at A&E was based on research by NSRF team member Dr Katerina Kavalidou.


On March 24th and 25th, the EAAD-BEST Consortium held their second plenary meeting in Barcelona. A key outcome from this meeting was the preparation of a Ukrainian version of the iFightDepression programme, rolled out in April 2022.

On May 6th, the NSRF launched the Cork-Kerry Alliance Against Depression in collaboration with EAAD-BEST.

A virtual Kick-Off Seminar entitled Preventing suicide and self-harm via improving awareness and care for people with depression was held with speakers including:

  • Mental health and healthcare professionals
  • People with lived experience
  • Resource officers for suicide prevention
  • Researchers


On March 29th, the C-SSHRI Network (Connecting Suicide and Self-Harm Researchers on the Island of Ireland) held their second meeting. The get-together focused on self-care and included presentations from Professor Ella Arensman (NSRF & UCC) and Susan O’Mahony (UCC).


Congratulations to two NSRF team members, Mr Pawel Hursztyn and Ms Almas Khan, who recently graduated from the Master’s in Public Health programme in University College Cork.

Pawel’s dissertation was co-supervised by Dr Eve Griffin and Dr Paul Corcoran and focused on ‘Trends of Hospital Presenting Self-Harm in Cork City area and individual level factors’.

Almas’ dissertation examined ‘Sexual health and Physical Disability: A scoping review exploring the services and supports available to the persons with disability in the EEA and United Kingdom’ and was supervised by Dr Martin Davoren.

Looking ahead

The Summer months ahead are already looking busy! Keep an eye on our Twitter, our Publications and Outputs and our Upcoming Events page for news and updates.

NSRF News Round-Up; March – May